Solar Live Monitor for Solax is unofficial Solax application for monitoring live data from your Inverter.The application is designed for the general lay public, but also for professionals who need up-to-date live data to monitor their work.APP FEATURES for INVERTER- inverter temperature- inverter status- inverter power (Watt)- total load (Watt)- load per phase (Amp, Watt)- values and graph of photovoltaic panel performance (Amp, Watt, Volt)- string (field) values (Watt)- grid power in/out (Watt + kWh)- daily values and graph for solar output (grid + self-consumption)- total values for the whole installation since start-up- firmware version- type of inverter - autoload 5-120 seconds- device IP searchAPPLICATION FUNCTIONS for BATTERY- battery temperature- battery status- battery charge/discharge graph- battery charge percentage (BMS information)- battery charge/discharge values (Amp, Volt)- battery charge/discharge power (Watt)- daily battery charge/discharge values (kWh)- possibility to add information about your SOC- battery charge/discharge time predictionAPPLICATION SETTINGSTo set up the application you need to know the serial number of the Inverter (Dongle) and the local IP address of your device in the local network.You can also set this information for more accurate visualization of your data.- string values 1 & 2- SOC according to the settings in your inverter- autoreload (5-120 seconds)SUPPORT AND INFORMATIONThis application is read only and reads live local data from your device. The application is still in development and we currently support only the following devices- Solax X3 Hybrid G4- Solax X1 Hybrid G4- Solax X1 Hybrid G5These devices are not yet supported, but you can try to load data into the app. If they dont display correctly, you can send us a piece of your data anonymously for further development and support of the app. We will be glad for your help.- Solax A1 Hybrid- Solax A1 Hybrid G2- Solax J1 ESS- Solax X1 AC- Solax X1 Boost Mini G4- Solax X1 Boost PRO- Solax X1 Hybrid G3- Solax X1 Hybrid LV- Solax X1 Hybrid Split G4- Solax X1 Mini/X1 Air/X1 Boost- Solax X3 20k / X3 30k- Solax X3 BIG- Solax X3 Hybrid G1- Solax X3 Hybrid G5- Solax X3 MIC- Solax X3 MIC PRO G2If you want to add support for your device, please send us your API data from the application for further development. Thank you!